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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Dear Incoming Freshman

I had the idea months and months ago to wrack my brain of all the advice I could think of to give to any of you entering into college for the first time! It then hit me that maybe I'd ask other people for their advice to gain multiple perspectives- and man oh man- the response was unreal! There are so many wonderful pieces of advice in here from so many different types of people. I wish there was a way to present each of these that shows how wonderful I view all of this advice, but for now this will have to do! Whether you want to read through each quote or pick and choose, you can not lose! Thank you to everyone that contributed advice- you are all wonderful!
And dear incoming freshman, you've got this.
"Go into [college] with an open mind and don't let your expectation or stories of what you hear college is like get in the way of your experience.

"[Do] not get discouraged if things don't happen exactly the way you imagined. Depending on where you are or who you knew going in, you might not make friends right away. Don't stress if you're not doing a lot of social things at first because it will eventually happen." 

"It gets better!!! Get in community as soon as possible! And as much as possible! You're not the only one struggling, other people just might be good at hiding it! The Lord is going to teach you some really awesome things, so be open, ready, and expectant!!" 

"Come in with open expectations. I came in with a whole big plan of what I wanted my life to be and what major I wanted and I ended up hating my major. I tried to stick with it because I didn't want to stray from the plan of how I pictured my life, but eventually I switched majors and now I love it. I'm not totally sure what I'm going to do, but I know that I'm going to love it whatever it is. 

"Take advantage of all services available. Go to the writing center at the outset and end of a paper, check out emotional support options, email your academic advisor if something is tough and ask them to point you towards more resources."

"Make sure to make friends on your hall- they're great!"

"Always know that you are enough, in any given situation."

"Find an advisor that you are absolutely comfortable talking with and one that leads you on the best path of success." 

"[Do] not let the word freshman hold you back from doing the things you want to [do]. I know I found myself cowering behind the word and it was only me restricting myself. College is about being yourself." 

"Remember everyone is 'new 
at this' in a sense. Be yourself and you will find yourself surrounded by people that will become your best 
friends in a blink of an eye!"
"[Do] not be afraid to branch out and talk to people
that you wouldn't normally talk to because you never
know who you'll become best friends with in the future."

"It is okay to not love college at first. Everyone talks about the college experience and how great it is, and it definitely is, but the adjustment period is tough and varies in length for everyone. So remember, it is okay to not be okay sometimes, always seek a friend to talk through problems with, and know that it will be so cool to be able to look back at the end of your freshman year to see why things happened the way they did. God always has a plan. Always!"

"You don’t have to go to the stereotypical college route of parties and binge drinking and drugs, etc. College is a time for you to start your independent life and no one actually cares [or] judges you like [in] high school. Focus on yourself and what you need to do to finish school and do your best. Don’t worry about what is [portrayed as] cool, worry about yourself... Lots of people go into college thinking that everyone just gets wasted every night and while that does happen [for some people], there’s tons of people who don’t! [There's] no need to give into the pressure from the college stereotype, no one actually cares if you go to that party or not. Don’t give into stereotypes, focus on school and doing well, nobody will judge you." 

"Don't be afraid to do your own thing. Join a club, take a class, or go to an event even if your friends aren't doing it too. It's an awesome way to meet new people, plus college is all about figuring out and doing what you're interested in!"

"Go to class and get to know your professors. I found it super intimidating to go to my professors' office hours for the first time, but I am so glad that I did! One of my professors wrote me a letter of recommendation for a scholarship and one gave me extra credit." 

"Go in with an open and trusting mind and [do] not have a preset idea of what your 'college experience' will look like. There were so many things throughout freshman year that I would not have ever thought I would be a part of, but with an open mind [I] was able to get involved with some really awesome things that have grown me SO much as a person." 

"Take risks and step out of your comfort zone because some of my greatest memories from freshman year came from adventures (like buying concert tickets 3 hours before the concert began)."

"Don't worry about making friends! Chasing people isn't worth it, your friends will gravitate to you." 

"Manage your time well, 
but still have fun!" 

"Do the work...If you don't work for what you want, you won't get it."

"Understand that loneliness doesn't mean you don't have friends, it means you are in a time of transition and you have to trust the Lord with where He wants to take you and He wants to show you. Take those lonely moments and give them to Him and He will do great things with them." 

"Find and try as many ministries as you can. Each one brings something different to the table and having a mixture is very valuable." 

"Loneliness is normal and everyone struggles with it, even if they all seem like they're overjoyed and have a million friends. Don't be afraid to be the first person to reach out. Freshman year is a time when everyone struggles and needs loving, godly friends, but most people are too afraid to admit they need people. So skip a step and just go ahead and love people and pursue them and you'll be so thankful later on."

"Stop seeking the approval of others and realize that God has made you who you are so that you can live for Him, not for the acceptance [of] the world."  

I hope some of these snippets of advice were helpful to you! There is loads and loads of more advice that could be given and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me! 

Dear incoming freshman, you're gonna do great.
Sincerely, Me

Friday, May 26, 2017

Share Tears

I don't know about you, but when I hear about tragedies (whether international or local) I find myself going through an emotional mental process. Typically, when I first hear of tragedy, it doesn't phase me. This sounds terrible I know, but I have seen so many tragedies pop up on my T.V., even just in the past five years, that at first I feel nothing. Given time and thought, tragedies get to me emotionally.  If you know me well, you know I'm a pretty emotional person as is (doesn't take much to make tears come to my eyes). Every time catastrophe strikes and I start to feel the weight of emotions tied to such events, my mind is always reminded of Romans 12:15
"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn."

I live in Charleston, SC and if you are a younger aged person from Charleston you most likely have seen your fair share of tragedies. Many young lives have been lost in crazy accidents in the past few years. Unfortunately, most teenagers in the Charleston area have had to attend a funeral for someone they knew their own age. Not to mention, our entire city was shaken with the loss of the precious nine lives at Mother Emanuel AME on June 25, 2015. So many of these moments of loss and tragedy are forever held in my mind.

My mind also holds memories of national and international tragedy where my heart went through grieving with those who were grieving. The one that was the hardest for me to deal with was the Orlando shooting that happened less than a year ago. I remember the day after so clearly. I was headed on a road trip with all of my closest friends for the summer, yet all I could think about was those who had died and their families dealing with their loss. That night I could not sleep because I couldn't stop weeping over those who lost their lives. I couldn't shake the terrible weight that many of those who died did not go to eternity with the Lord.

These moments all came to me once more as I read tweets and articles concerning the bombing after the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester. I'm a lover of music and attending concerts. Reading about young children losing their lives and teenagers being separated from their parents broke my heart once more.

I do not reflect on all of these things to bring a spirit of sadness on. Through all of these different moments, I can not let go of Romans 12:15. As a daughter of the one true King, I am called to mourn with those who mourn. How often do we actually follow this? I don't know about you, but I think it is so crucial to chase after these words, following them to the fullest. What better way to be a light to those in not only spiritual darkness, but emotional darkness as they mourn? The perfect opportunity is presented when you can come down to their level and relate to them where they are. That right there is a perfect representation of the love of Jesus. He came down to us in our imperfection and suffering, and suffered alongside us so that He may understand what we're going through. He came down and suffered the worst form of death possible, so that our constant reality of mourning could turn into a constant reality of rejoicing. Mourning with those who mourn is 100% following in Jesus' examples for us as His followers.

When I also reflect on past and current tragedies a challenge comes to my mind. Whenever a tragedy occurs that grabs the nation's or world's attention you immediately see a flood of posts on social media. These posts are typically lingered with a hashtag always in the form of "#prayfor______" (fill in the blank for wherever this tragedy has occurred). I have a challenge for anyone reading this. Instead of sharing a post or writing a hashtag once more and leaving it at that, why don't we actually fall on our knees in prayer over the situation? Why don't we come to the cross, in full surrender, asking the Lord to let heaven come, that He would pour His spirit out in this place of tragedy? He has the utmost power and His Spirit provides far greater comfort than a post you could make on social media.

Tragedy and mourning is something very heavy. It doesn't typically stir one's heart towards joy; but, there is hope. There is a day coming when tragedy will no longer strike. Tears will no longer fall. Revelation 21:4 says, "He'll wipe every tear from their eyes. Death is gone for good - tears gone, crying gone, pain gone - all the first order of things gone" (MSG). As believers, we are called to look forward to this day with great anticipation. No one knows the arrival of this glorious day (1 Thessalonians 5:2), but comfort can still be found in the present. Matthew 5:4 says, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted". The Lord provides for those in need. "In all things, God works for the good of those who love Him" (Romans 8:28). 

Yes, tragedy is real. It is painful. For those of us who claim to be in Jesus who are not experiencing tragedy, we should join in mourning with those who mourn that they may feel the love and comfort of Jesus. When we see tragedy striking this sinful world, may we fall on our knees in communication with the Father. May we never lose hope in the gospel knowing what is promised and to come. 

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Weekend at Home

Here's a peek into my weekend! I'm so fortunate that I was able to go home this weekend. I love Charleston greatly- it truly is one of the greatest places. I got to celebrate my upcoming birthday with so many different family members which was such a blessing. Friday was spent at our house having a birthday party for me and my little cousin, Ford, who turned 3. Saturday was spent at one of my favorite restaurants (Basil!!). I have been looking forward to eating this Thai food for months. Also very thankful for the time I got to spend with friends as well!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Good Morning Baltimore

For spring break, I had the incredible opportunity of going to Baltimore, MD with Clemson FCA. From the get-go God was so incredibly faithful with this trip. He worked in such incredible ways.

When they first announced that the spring break mission trip was to Baltimore, I was super pumped. I've known for a few years now that inner city missions are my jam. I don't know what it is about it, but serving people in inner cities always holds my heart so dear (I've even considered moving to one of the cities I've served in multiple times post-graduation). I didn't know if I was going to be able to go on the trip, but I hoped that I would be able to. 

Time passed by and of course it was the night before the deadline to sign up for the trip. I was pretty certain I wouldn't be able to go because I did not have a stray $250 laying around and it was so last minute, but at the time I so desperately wanted spring break plans. After a long phone call with my Dad, filled with many tears, I emailed the missions coordinator to see if there was any way I'd be able to receive any scholarship money (without it- I wouldn't be able to get to Baltimore). 

By the next day, I not only received and filled out the scholarship application, but received a full scholarship covering my entire trip. This was just the beginning of God showing His faithfulness over this trip. It was somewhat of a crazy whirlwind, but you're girl was officially going to be spending her spring break in Baltimore thanks to the grace of God. 

The month or so leading up to the trip everyone got to meet their groups. These 11 strangers that you are placed with were going to be the people you shared the 12 hour van rides with, worked with each day, and ate every meal with. When there was about two weeks left before the trip, all the teams got to find out their assigned ministries. Our team's ministry was evangelism. This meant no schedule, no partner church, just straight loving on the city. There was a general consensus between a lot of our group members that we did not feel equipped or that we would be able to do this job- but, just like the scholarship, God knows how to show up when we can't do things ourselves.

After finding out our group's ministry, I began fervently praying over myself and my team that the Lord would show up and equip us for His kingdom work. I didn't know what this would end up looking like in the long run, but He did. 

The day finally came when it was time to leave for Baltimore. God immediately started working in our group. It is astounding to me that 12 strangers, all so very different, could be put together and get along so well and love one another deeply. It is something only God could have orchestrated and it was amazing to take in. By the end of the trip, I don't think a single one of once could have imagined this entire experience without each member of our team. 

Since our team's mission was evangelism, we knew that we could get to work the second we pulled out of Clemson. One thing I prayed for before the trip was not only for God to equip us, but to put people in our paths that He intended for us to talk to and love on. He did not fail in answering this prayer. All of us had encounters with different people- some so great and others not so much. 
Here are few stories I thought I would share. 

Before we started our work days, we got a day to explore the city of Baltimore and fall in love with it. We did not abuse this time to start reflecting Jesus' love to the citizens of Baltimore. This picture above is our group at dinner with our waitress Leetha (or LeLe). We got to love on her while she was serving us. Her job as a waitress is her second job that she does at night to earn extra money after she works at another job throughout the day. She is also taking classes working to earn her degree. We got to pray for her that the Lord would give her endurance in all the things she is doing. Leetha helped a lot of us reevaluate our attitude we have towards just doing our schoolwork when on campus. It was refreshing to have a perspective adjustment this early on in the trip. 

This sweet lady in the photo above is named Joyce. On our first day out "working" in the city, after a few hours of walking the streets talking to people we ended up in the Inner Harbor. We were sitting, waiting to feel that pull from the Spirit who we should talk to next. We tried to go talk to a man, but as we went to approach him, he got up and left. Right before discouragement could set in, Joyce approached us. She works in the Harbor as a guide giving recommendations to tourists on things to do in the area. Joyce's name is so fitting for her because she radiated so much joy while we talked with her. 

We told her our purpose of being in Baltimore, and she immediately opened up about her life story and how good God has been to her. She said if it weren't for Jesus, she would have died a long time ago. She told us how 15 years ago, she lived on the streets addicted to crack, snorting cocaine, when she felt God tell her she couldn't live the way she was living. She said she could hear Him so clearly. He told her to call her niece, so she walked multiple blocks in a snow storm to get to a phone booth and called her niece. The next day her niece took Joyce to Philadelphia where she got help and met Jesus. She also told us to share her story that it may help someone else (feel free to share it yourself with others as well!). She also told us about all she had going on in her life from her job, her new fiance, an injury in her foot, and readjustments of people within her household, but never once did she complain. We left her feeling so encouraged in what we were doing and the Lord knew all along that Joyce was just the person we needed to meet that day. 

Another day, we used worship as a way of bringing people into conversation. Worship is something I treasure more than anything else, so to get to do this was so special. A cool way the Lord worked in this day was He allowed me to use my gifts that He gave me to love on someone else. This day I got to meet a four-year-old girl named Denim and her mother Ebony. I talked with the both of them asking Denim about her favorite princesses and what she did at school that day. Ebony told me that there was a man that would usually do tricks in the harbor on Wednesdays so she would bring Denim to watch him, but he wasn't there that day. I took that opportunity to entertain Denim to the best of my abilities and make her feel loved. I sang a song from the Little Mermaid for Denim and in that moment it was like nothing else in the world mattered. Denim's eyes were glued to me. After words, Denim and especially Ebony were so grateful. That was such a God thing that He would allow me to use my gifts to love on a little girl like Denim. 

There are many things the Lord taught me throughout the trip. He was so faithful throughout and I felt that He was so close throughout the whole week, which I needed greatly. I don't know if I could have had the boldness I did have if He wasn't close to me in those moments. His love was revealed time and time again throughout the trip and it was so incredibly sweet to experience that. 

He also showed His faithfulness through answered prayers. All the prayers I was constantly lifting up before the trip, He answered to the fullest. He prepared and equipped me to do His work. He even brought encouragement in it, that I wouldn't discredit myself from what work He had for me (something I am often guilty of). He put people in my path to speak to. There are more stories than shared in this post, but He put the people in my path that He intended for me to speak to. He took away all fears. There were very few if any moments were I was fearful while out doing evangelism, which is major compared to my past experiences. Not only was He faithful to my prayers, but some of my team members got to take part in some miraculous work through prayer and the power of the Spirit. 

If I can encourage you in any way, here are my major takeaways from Baltimore:
  • Know the Father is sovereign over all and has such incredible things in store. 
  • He will never, ever abandon you. 
  • If you feel the Spirit telling you to do something, do it. Don't worry about the logistics- He has you. 
  • Know prayer is powerful and that the Father is listening- He will be faithful to you through that. 

Monday, February 27, 2017


Treasure is defined in two ways: 1.) wealth that is stored up or hidden away or 2.) to hold or keep something precious, something of value; to cherish. 

It is pretty (freaking) cool how God works in His time. He does some crazy things in ways we would never expect at times we aren't looking for anything to happen. 
Tonight, I had the opportunity to sit and talk with someone for well over an hour about life and cool God things. This conversation may have seemed simple, but it surely got me thinking. If you had told me two months ago that I would have sat with this person talking for that long of a time, just the two of us, I most likely wouldn't have believed you. But like I said- God works in His time and He has greater purposes than what we can imagine with our small human brains. 

Though the entire conversation I shared with this person was purposeful, intentional, and joyous, one thing stuck in my mind that I think most people could ponder over. 
We got on the discussion of treasuring things. This is something I've seen the Lord bring up a couple time recently through different people around me that I myself never had even thought of. 

Now when I say treasuring up "things" I don't mean earthly possessions. Matthew 6:19 says,"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal". I am referring to treasuring different things God has given you whether this is a lesson He has taught you, a person He has put in your path, etc. 

The idea of treasuring something to me is something so incredibly intimate and precious. As I said, God works in such incredible ways. He shows, reveals and teaches us all what He wants us to learn about and grow in. How much more intimate would we be able to get with God if when He showed us certain things that we stored those things up with just Him? How much more would we be able to grow in our relationship with Him, knowing that we share something with Him and no one else?

Don't get me wrong- sharing what God is doing for you to others is great. It can motivate your community around you or serve as a stepping stone to your testimony. But are there not some little things that you could intimately keep between you and God and let flourish? 

Anything can be a treasure. You can treasure maybe a certain call to action God has given you in order to let Him shape and prepare that action to be extremely powerful in His name. You can treasure a relationship that God has given you allowing that relationship to be a tool for the furthering of the kingdom. Maybe it is a simple idea that you have- maybe a certain prayer or fast you feel God is calling you to honor Him with. 

This world corrupts. This world sometimes will try to steal your treasure and dull its true beauty and luster. James 1:27 mentions how the world pollutes. 2 Peter 1:4 tells us that thanks to Christ's work on the cross, we as believers can escape "the corruption of the world caused by evil desires". 
Turning to the things or people of this world with your treasure in hand will not keep it as precious as turning in towards the Father will. 

For some people this idea may seem daunting. I know for me personally whenever I'm excited about anything I must tell friends around me right away. That excitement and passion can die very quickly after sharing so quickly. Keeping something in for just you and God to know and share may seem like a challenge. I believe this is a challenge worth taking on- intimacy with the Father (which is more beautiful than most things and relationships here on earth) is 100% worth not sharing every single detail of every single day with another person. 

If there is anything within your life that you already treasure, turn inward toward the Father with that. He will work through whatever it is- He gave it to you to begin with. Let Him bless it even further.
If you don't have something in your mind that you know you treasure, reflect on life. You reflect either on what is in your life currently or just being open to what the Lord has in store for the future. When you are aware, treasures in mind, you too should turn to the Father with it. Let the Lord bless your treasure and help it flourish.

What in your life can you take in and treasure with the Father that you may grow closer in intimacy with Him?